
Friday, June 21

Highlights of Recent Shenanigans

Hello Strangers!
I have been absent due to an intense spring semester of school, followed by a month of a major mental break, and now....back into school.  It never ends!  Just thought I would do a quick overview of some of the highlights from the past few months.  One of these days I will get back into updating this thing on a regular basis.

Missing everyone and always have friends and family in our hearts <3

Ty came down and celebrated Easter with us!

I competed in a Crossfit competition in Chicago, IL. Events included hand-stand push ups, lots of pullups, hand walks, broad jumps, burpees, wallball shots, pistols, and double unders among others.  Had a great time and I am continuing my intense crossfit training for my next competition coming up in September in St. Louis.

 Chris and I visited Lawrence, KS for a strength and conditioning clinic at KU.  Had some delicious cuisine including specialty french fries and the most delicious peanut butter pie of all time!

Spencer surprised me with a visit!  I had no idea!  We ate at a few BBQ restaurants, had legendary Pinch Penny Pub pizza, took a day trip to Nashville to visit the Country Music Hall of Fame, Broadway st., and Spencer's favorite - Dukes of Hazzard museum!

 We had a fabulous Memorial day weekend out at Lake of Egypt celebrating Liz Smith and Mitch Jordans' bachelorette/bachelor party for their upcoming wedding.

It's grillin' season again in our backyard.  Got the firepit all stoked and ready for some flame grilled steak. Yuuummmm!

Had the best weekend ever celebrating Liz and Mitch's much anticipated wedding!  She was the most beautiful bride I have ever seen and they were both glowing with love for each other.  Chris and I had a really fun time mingling with friends and cuttin some rug at the reception!

This summer I am taking classes and writing my Thesis proposal for the fall and training. Chris is also taking a class and training.  In our limited down time we have been enjoying cooking up some delicious food and spending time with awesome friends.  Life is good!

Sunday, March 31

Parable of the Lost Son: Baby Steps and Big Realizations

There was a man who had two sons. The younger one said to his father, "father, give me my share of the estate." So he divided his property between them. Not long after that, the younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living. After he had spent everything, there was a severe famine in that whole country, and he began to be in need. So he went and hired himself out to a citizen of that country, who sent him into the field to feed pigs. He longed to fill his stomach with the pods that the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything. 

When he came to his senses, he said, "How many of my father's hired men have food to spare, and here I am starving to death!" I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: "father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be call your son; make like one of your hired men." 

So he got up and went to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him. The son said to him, "father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son." But the father said to his servant, "Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let's have a feast and celebrate. 

For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.

God is doing amazing work in my life.  He is slowly but surely warming up my ice cold heart towards him.  I am learning to trust him with all areas of my life.  With every thing that I give up to him I feel like a newer and lighter person.  I am also learning that he loves me.  As a daughter that has squandered wealth and lived a wild life, it is hard to understand the love and forgiveness he provides.  It is baby steps, but they are steps nonetheless. Being excited about Jesus is such a wonderful new discovery, even with the tiny steps forward I can't imagine ever going back.  

Just some small insight into my life :-)

Wednesday, February 20


Happy Wednesday!

Sorry the posts have gotten is kicking my tush!  I have my sights set on Spring Break in a few weeks and will have lots of insights and updates to check back!

Loves & Hugs

Monday, January 21

Sunday, January 20th: Real Relationships

As I mentioned in a previous post Chris and I have started attending a new church here in Carbondale, The Vine. this past Sunday the message really spoke to me and kinda goes along with what has been on my heart lately.  This is the first Sunday of a five-part series on Vine Values so I am excited to see what is up next.

The passage was Romans 12:9-18
"9 Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil  hold fast to what is good. 10 Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. 11 Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. 12 Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. 13 Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.

14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; weep with those who weep. 16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight. 17 repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. 18 If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all." (ESV)

Some key points:

  • Genuine relationships - don't be fake, live genuine and live love.  Only abhor (detest/hate) what is evil.  It seems weird that God would say to love and hate in the same verse, but what I think it means is to have a righteous anger which is different than hateful anger.  Be angry at evil in this world but not necessarily at people.  I think we are supposed to love people no matter what, and that love is only possible through Christ. 
  • Why fake it?  Why is faking relationships so appealing?  Don't be lukewarm, either love me or hate me.  I get so tired of people putting up a front (including myself) why do we do this?  For me I think it is my own personal insecurity of making my heart vulnerable. I fake relationships so I don't get hurt.  Instead I need to learn to be genuine and real and live those relationships through Christ's love and protection.
    • "We love because he first loved us. If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother he is a liar." (1 John 4:19-20)
    • "Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly from a pure heart." (1 Peter 1:22-23)
  • "Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer." Out of the whole passage this verse really stood out to me.  It is so extremely simple it is unbelievable.  It is like God is saying "yo stop trying to complicate things it is easy: don't give up hope, be patient, and freaking pray! It's as easy as A-B-C!" Praying is such a weakness of mine and many of you know patience isn't one of my strong points either.  Time to get to work!
  • The last chunk of verses talk about blessing those that curse you, and not to pay evil for evil.  In real relationships there is going to be conflict, and most of the time this stems out of pride.  God is challenging us to be humble and resolve conflict through humility.  He also doesn't want us to harbor those prideful, evil feelings in our heart.  He says that your sings will not be forgiven unless you forgive against those that sin against you. 
    • "I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all the humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." (Ephesians 4:1-3)
Anyway these are just a few things I am learning and processing as I continue on my journey.  I hope that I have encouraged you!

Peace, Love, Joy!

Trip to the Mountain

I couldn't possibly visit home without a trip to the mountain! Karri-ann received a snowboard and boots for Christmas like three years ago and still hadn't had the opportunity to try them out! So we decided that a trip up would be our Christmas present to each other this year.  Of course I simply cannot go to the mountain without my snowboard partner Spence, so the three of us packed up and headed out for our snowbound adventure.

Spencer really loves it when I take pictures while he is driving.  He pretty much begs me the whole time to have my camera out to capture all the beautiful moments.  It is quite exhausting  but I love the guy so how could I say no?

By the way did I mention that it was KA's first time snowboarding?  Haha she was in for a treat!

Even if it was her first time, she pulled off the look well :-)

By the time we got to Government Camp we were anxious to get started so we made a quick change of plans and decided on SkiBowl instead of Timberline.  We thought that it would be better suited for a newbie, less expensive, and less crowded.

Pre - fall on our head/face plant smiles

For a newbie KA actually did great!  Even though her body the next day would tell you otherwise.  She was able to do a few good runs and only face-planted a few times.  Two crashes that stand out was when she fell so hard her hat and goggles flew off, and the second was the very end of our last run down the mountain.  I had finished the run before her and was waiting at the bottom expectantly   As I watched her make her way down I was impressed at how much better she had gotten in one day...until the very bottom (in front of everyone getting on the lift) her board catches and she catapults face first into the snow.  I immediately start laughing out loud, then realized I was probably being a huge jerk, then continued to laugh in my head.  Luckily it was the last run of the day because that just about did her in.

It was the perfect day at the mountain with two of my favorite people :-) Can't wait for next year!

Thursday, January 17

Chris' Hand at Blogging

Hey everyone Chris has partnered up with Andy Loscutoff and Jeff Hart to bring you a strength and nutrition blog.  They all have a lot to bring to the table and have lots of good stuff on there already! Check it out!!!!

Sunday, January 13

Goals for 2013

In no particular order

1. Love God
2. Love people
3. Be more open with Chris
4. Love myself
5. Live authentic and genuine
6. 4.0 G.P.A.
7. Write a thesis
8. Make a difference in someone's life
9. Tithe every paycheck
10. Learn film photography
11. Go somewhere new
12. Compete in a Crossfit competition
13. Be selfless
14. Be less materialistic
15. Power clean 80 Kilos
16. Deadlift 130 kilos
17. Snatch 60 kilos
18. 20 Pullups non-stop
19. Backsquat 120 kilos
20. Read 12 books by the end of the year (not related to school)

Matters of my Heart: An Unveiling

I would like to take a break from the chronicles of my winter break to write about some deeper thoughts that I am compelled to share.  I am not used to sharing these types of ideas or pondering that I have... so please bear with me as I struggle through learning how to express myself and making sense of everything that has been on my heart.

As many of you know I have not been super pleased with the way our great adventure to Illinois has turned out.  To put it bluntly I have been bitter, frustrated, closed-minded, irritated, not patient, and just generally self-absorbed about the whole situation.  As we left Oregon I was distracted by the excitement of a cross country road trip. Once we landed in Carbondale, however, my attitude quickly went south.  I have struggled with many issues such as identity, life goals, life purpose, identity, who I am, identity, who do I want to know all the stuff most people experience as they transition from one point in their life to the next.  I was very arrogant to think that I was above this sort of dilema. I truly believed that I had everything figured out and I was so ready for whatever life threw my way.  Well as it turns out I don't have much figured out at all.  It has taken me almost 9 months for God to get through to me, and I am re-discovering who I am and it is great.

Let me back up a bit though to the self-wallowing part because I'm not quite through with that.  I was a mess the first six weeks of being here.  Since I didn't have a job I felt worthless.  This was soon distracted by waitressing and the many long and late nights of working at the bar.  I was content for a time, but felt like something just wasn't quite right.  I decided that Chris couldn't have all the fun of going back to school so I applied and got accepted for the grad program.  For awhile I was really excited that I had it all figured out again - I was going to be a grad student wonder woman.  I was going to go to grad school, work at the bar, work my grad assistantship, be the best wife ever, and workout all the time.  Hahahahahaha!

When fall approached and school started it was suggested that I resign from my waitressing position since it would be somewhat of a conflict of interest to serve alcohol to student-athletes on the weekend then try to be their academic counselor during the week.  This makes complete sense, but at the time I was a bit devastated.  The people I worked with there were some of my only friends in Carbondale and I knew if I didn't work there anymore that I would not hang out with them and I would go back to being really lonely.  I understand now why things happened the way they did.  God had such bigger plans for me and I just couldn't see them at the time.  I became even more bitter and as the semester went on I struggled through many emotional ups and downs.

Basically I was mad.  I was mad that we were in a town that I hated, I was mad that I was forced to move away from my family and friends, I was mad that I wasn't in control, I felt like I was wasting my time, and I was just basically mad at life. Every day I would become more and more anxious - I would dream of all the "cool" things I could be doing with my life.  I wanted nothing to do with the town of Carbondale or SIU. That bitterness and hate in my heart spread and by the end of the semester I was a miserable wreck. I took most of these emotions out on my workouts - which in itself became a huge mind game. I wrestled with body image issues, athletic identity issues, and constantly wondered what the purpose of spending hours in the gym were. I also started closing myself off.  I slowly started isolating myself and it was longer and longer between talks with family and friends back home.

You may be wondering how Chris fits into this whole situation.  To say the least it was really tough for him to watch me struggle through these things.  I thank God on a daily basis for him and his never ever ever ending love and support.  I think in the 9 months of me complaining and whining he only blew up at me one time.  He is an incredible listener with the biggest heart I have ever met.  I know my mood swings and bipolar tendencies wore on him and frustrated him, but he took it like a champ and loved me just the same through it all.  He was my rock and without him I would not have made it.

So back to the story...There were two other people in my life here that have done more for me than they could ever realize.  My co-workers Liz and Connor.  Liz is one of the most generous, thoughtful, and hardworking gals I know.  She is so encouraging and such a great friend.  When anyone is around Connor they have no choice but to get an attitude check.  When I would come in all sorry for myself and down, he would be obnoxiously positive and it wore off.  They have been a wonderful comfort...but I still needed to deal with the deeper issues.

A few weeks before it was time to leave for winter break I was at my worst.  I went for a run one day and made it five minutes before I broke down in tears.  I kept imagining going home for break then having to say the dreaded goodbye.  I literally had a full blown panic attack when I imagined the Portland airport.  My anxiety was at an all time high and I almost didn't want to go home. The Lord is so much bigger than that, I didn't realize it but he was preparing my heart.  Into the story comes John - the extremely funny marketing guy from down the hall.  He tells me about this church that him and his new wife, Hannah, have been attending for a few years.  Now my beef with church could take up an entire blog post so I won't get into that now, but needless to say I was a bit hesitant and Chris was at a full-blown no.  Next comes Ben - a freshman golfer that I had been meeting with all semester for academics.  He mentions the church to me as well and by this time my interest has peaked.

I was so hungry for something positive, and I was so lonely that I thought it couldn't hurt.  Chris was not pleased by the idea, but wanted to support me so we went.  Then we went again. Then John and Hannah invited us to dinner and we had a wonderful time, LIz and Mitch hung out with us and we had a wonderful time, we had a Christmas party and had a wonderful time....all the sudden I was having a wonderful time. The week before leaving for Oregon we had some sort of social event every night.  Wait what? Carbondale can be fun?  I can have fun in S. Illinois?  What is this?!

Then winter break happened and holy smokes I don't think I have had two weeks of more love in my whole life.  Every single moment with every single person was so precious to me. I didn't take one second for granted and I enjoyed every day to the best of my ability.  I was able to spend so much quality time with every member in my family and with my closest friends.  Those two weeks will be something that I never forget and always cherish.

A very defining moment for me personally during the break were a few talks I had with my mom.  Most all of you know my mom, and if you don't you are missing out.  This lady is one of the smartest, most talented, most caring, most passionate, most "insert characteristic here"person you will ever meet.  She never ceases to amaze me and I inspire to someday have the insight to life she has. She is shining with God's love and grace and I think she prays more in a day than I do in a year.  Anyway, it was during these talks that I began to realize a whole side of life I am missing out on.

I have been so focused on myself and what I want in that particular moment that I have lost sight of the bigger picture.  I have been struggling with "my identity"  and "who I am."  Well the truth is it isn't about me and never will be.  There is such a bigger purpose to life than a title I posses and introduce myself with.  That bigger purpose is God's love.  Not only experiencing God's love but living and showing God's love. It shouldn't matter if I live in Carbondale, Illinois or Portland, Oregon, or Antartica for that matter!  What matters is that I am living a life of God's love and that I am sharing that love with those around me.

I now understand that I didn't move to Illinois to pursue a degree (in an education system that I don't agree with).  I didn't move here to add to my resume as a stepping stone to my next big career.  God moved me here to teach me a lesson.  He knew that if I was with my family and close my comfort zone...that I would never seek him.  I would have lived the rest of my life content with how I was living.  He had to move me 2,000 miles away to learn that it isn't about me or what I want.  (Haha I tend to be an extreme type of person so this really isn't that surprising now that I think about it - Point for you God) It is about living through him and his purpose. I need to learn to love people no matter who they are, what they believe,  or how they live their life.  and not just fake christian love them - but truly love them the way Jesus does.

Ever since I decided to let my selfishness go and be at peace with moving to Illinois the floodgates of blessings have opened up.  Not blessings that can be counted in our earthly world, but blessings of the heart.  My marriage and relationship with Chris has literally never been better than these past two weeks.  The first time we went back to our church after being gone a lady pulled up next to us in her white mini van screaming "Chris Roth!" As it turns out Bob and Audrey's really good friends just moved to Carbondale in August from the west coast and we are set to go to their house for dinner in the next few weeks.  Also that same day a young couple, Mike and Laura, introduced themselves as one of the associate pastors and wife and we are to have lunch with them next week.  Don't worry it gets even better!  The new graduate assistant that is taking Connor's position also goes to that church and we will now be working together.  The second sunday we went back her husband approached us and introduced himself (also an associate pastor).  We have basically been flooded with love and acceptance from those around us.  It is like God is saying "see Rachel I did have a plan!  You need to be more freaking patient and let me do my thing!"  my response "Touche God, touche."

Wednesday, January 9

Winter Break: Part Uno

Winter Break!  Oh my goodness you have no idea how I counted down for this day to come.  By the end of my first semester (and having been away for 7 months) I was definitely ready for a trip home.  There were so many fun activities planned and in the works and I was beyond excited to see my family and friends. The tricky part was getting all the clothing and accessories necessary into a carryon and a purse...Chris can attest to the miraculous transformation of our living room littered with shoes, boots, scarves, sweaters, and jeans into a compact duffle bag.  There were so many different activities and I didn't want to be stuck without anything!  (Josh kindly refers to this as my clothing anxiety).  Lucky for me my little sister fiiiiiiinally grew up and we can swap clothes.  Except for the pants, she has a whole lotta squats to do before she catches up with my booty!

The beginning of my trip started off as me being co-pilot.  I kid you not.  I flew next to the el cap-i-ton all the way from Marion to St. Louis. I live to tell the tale!
First order of business for the trip was go on a 
White Winter Wonderland Christmas Tree Hunting Adventure.

[Not so] Big Steve headed up the gang into the mountains.  We were bundled, had elk pepperoni in hand, and the excitement grew as the snow banks got bigger and bigger.

 Unfortunately Chris couldn't make it (as he was still in Illinois) so we had to make due with some snow, sticks, rocks, and fern.  Please note the goatee.

All four of us can still fit in the backseat!  

What an incredible family I am blessed with <3

The adventure had some interesting moments in itself...I choose to be photographer, hehe

Part A: Find tree...check
Part B: Decorate

 The boys were not too excited at first lol

Eventually everyone got in on the action :-)

 Hahahahahahahahahaha This is for stealing my phone! Boom that just happened.

 Proof that Spence participated! Oh what?!