
Friday, January 15

Kicking off 2016 with a Bathroom Makeover

Thanks to some wonderful and very generous house warming gifts, Chris and I were able to take on our first home owner project - a complete bathroom makeover!  
The project began January 1st bright and early, as per usual #rothlife.



The hardest part - what color?  

 Beast Mode

After a full 1.5 hours in Home Depot, we finally got the supplies and made it home to get started!

Step 1 - take out the cabinet!  This led to an interesting discovery...the wall was not textured behind the cabinet, so Chris ran across the street to True Value and grabbed some spakle (sp?). 

I really had no clue what I was doing - I just threw it up on the wall and hoped for the best! 

Then the primer - oh my gosh I don't like primer. I feel like it is such a waste of time!  All I wanted was to see color! And not have to tape all the trim again...
patience is always a work in progress for me.

While I was hard at work painting - Chris made the new shelves out of old growth pine. So gorgeous!

Ta Da!

 We absolutely love the finished product!  
Such a fun taste of how the rest of the house will eventually feel.

Rifle Paper Co. - the inspiration piece! 

(Unfortunately, because the studs are slightly off, we could not center the shelving between the wall and shower, so it is left justified - not ideal but still looks great!)

My mother's pottery - love, faith, joy, peace

Another piece of craftsmanship of Mr. Chris

Anyone is welcome to come over and take a shower! Haha!  Or just check it out :-)

1 comment:

  1. Great job on the documentation of your bathroom renovation! I love the reclaimed wooden shelves. The natural material maintains a therapeutic esthetic. Also, I especially enjoyed your photo displaying different paints swatches to determine what color to paint the bathroom. I will definitely use this tip in the future in my own home renovation.
