Many of you have already heard the story of the new place, so I will spare the details -
but here is a quick overview:
September - We are pre-approved for home loan and Chris is casually looking
Chris finds this place on a Friday evening, we view it Sunday morning, make an offer Monday and it is accepted on Wednesday. We begin paperwork, closing date is set to Oct. 21st
October - The week before closing Rachel (who had been applying for full-time jobs since April) finally gets a call for a job interview and is offered the job on the following Monday. Her first day is Oct. 21st. Everyone freaks out - a.k.a. the realtor and mortgage broker. We re-do paperwork and set new closing date. During the waiting time the original appraisal expires.
November - New appraisal is booked, new closing date is set for Monday of Thanksgiving week. Paperwork gets delayed, Monday comes and goes. Last day in apartment is November 31st. Roth rent a Uhaul and load everything up. We move in with the Luczkiws for 2.5 weeks.
December - Uhaul rental expires, we unload everything into Anguiano's spare room. Two days later we sign paperwork and get the keys. We then load everything back up and move in. We take a break to go home for Christmas and finally unpack all the boxes the day after Christmas!
So yeah, quite the story!
The front